Maria Paris Borda



the ground is shifting intermezzo concave figs – part i figs – part ii a measure of distance peaches and cream reading to the window 00:00 to 00:04 may it be a polar day attempt press

Concave is a large-scale installation created for the Lunar Practices series at B09k Gallery in Changsha, China. The installation was a billboard that illuminated at sunset. The billboard displayed a bilingual poem composed of two voices: A leading voice attempts to define distance as something that spreads, void of direction, with no up or down. A second voice recites the possibilities of what a hole, a void, or a gap could be. Through relation and proximity, both distance and gap entwine.

Artwork titled Concave by Maria Paris Borda
Artwork titled Concave by Maria Paris Borda
Artwork titled Concave by Maria Paris Borda
Artwork titled Concave by Maria Paris Borda